It’s no secret that Learning and Talent Management Systems are essential to developing and retaining top talent. According to the 2016 Training Industry Report from Training Magazine, US companies spent $70.65 billion on training last year. It’s imperative that your company have a robust learning and talent management strategy that allows you to get maximum value out of that investment.

In the 9th video on the Center of Excellence (COE), I discuss why it’s important to address all seven elements of the COE when defining your strategy.


Chris Bond here again and just wanted to give you thanks for joining us on our series here of our Bluewater Center of Excellence. Those seven key things that you need to focus on in order to be successful with your learning, talent, or human capital management system.

As we continue on, you're going to see a lot more videos from myself and from the entire Bluewater team, even from some of our clients on what’s important in each one of these seven key areas. That’s user experience, content, administration, technology, process, data, and reporting.

Additionally, we have a couple of surveys and assessments that are online, free assessments. One is for a learning management system, it’s a quick assessment. We’re going to give you feedback, a PDF of discovery, and maybe some recommendations in there.

We also have a content strategy assessment, that does the very same thing. It will take you about five minutes to complete, we give you some automated recommendations and information back just to be able to help you out.

Also, as a part of our ongoing process really trying to help the learning, talent, and human capital management community, we’re doing more and more surveys and assessments. And we’d love to discreetly share information with each and every one of you about the results of those studies.

That information becomes critical to us guiding and defining how we’re helping clients in the future. We want you to be a part of that and those are things we’re going to offer for free to the community.

So, thanks again for sharing some time with us and participating. Look for lots more videos on the Bluewater Center of Excellence from our team and we’ll see you again real soon on our next Bluewater video.

Thank you.


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