Employee frustration is a silent but powerful force that can significantly undermine productivity, morale, and retention within an organization. One of the most common sources of frustration is the lack of access to the tools, knowledge, and training employees need to perform their jobs effectively. When employees feel unprepared or unsure of how to do their work, they are far more likely to leave rather than seek help. This is why it is vital to ensure that all employees are properly trained and continuously developed.

Today, learning technology plays a crucial role in mitigating this frustration by providing on-demand access to training resources and performance support tools. This instant availability of information enables employees to solve problems in real time, reduces downtime, and minimizes errors. More importantly, it empowers employees to take ownership of their own learning and development, which not only enhances job satisfaction but also fosters greater engagement and commitment.

However, we are standing on the brink of an even more transformative change. This is a key area where artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to make a significant impact on the design and delivery of learning. The immediacy of AI-powered information, combined with its ability to seamlessly integrate learning into the flow of work, will dramatically alter how people acquire skills and knowledge while they are on the job. AI tools like intelligent chatbots, smart tutors, real-time performance analytics, and adaptive learning systems will soon become standard, allowing employees to access highly relevant learning content exactly when and where they need it.

The Cost of Under-Developed Employees and Why AI Matters

Under-developed employees can become productivity burdens, costing the organization both time and money. They are more prone to making mistakes, requiring additional oversight, and slowing down overall operations. Moreover, when employees are not properly trained, they may unintentionally alter business processes or deviate from the organization’s intended purpose. Business leaders never set out to deliver poor products or subpar customer service, yet this can become an unintended consequence when employees are not equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Frustrated employees, who are unhappy and lacking in confidence, often look for shortcuts or the easiest ways to complete tasks, which can compromise the quality of their work. This not only impacts the organization’s performance but also erodes the employee’s own sense of accomplishment and worth. This is why it’s so critical to invest in learning and performance support—and why AI can be a game-changer.

AI will be a performance support experimentation zone for the next 18 to 24 months. During this period, organizations will need to test, refine, and implement AI-based learning tools to meet the evolving needs of their workforce. It’s a window of opportunity for learning and development (L&D) teams to get ahead of the business and start showing the value of AI-enabled learning to their organizations. Without proactive investment and experimentation, there’s a real risk that the business will seize control of AI-based performance support, leaving L&D departments sidelined and struggling to justify their role in the organization’s broader strategy.

The True Value of Eliminating Employee Frustration

The value of eliminating employee frustration is immense, but it is not achieved through superficial perks like free lunches or gimmicky benefits. The real value lies in developing employees into something better than they thought they could be. It’s about helping them find value in themselves and creating an environment where they can experience a sense of achievement at the end of each day.

When an employee feels valued and capable, they are more likely to be motivated, productive, and committed to the organization’s success. They will produce better results because the organization has effectively balanced its needs with the desires and aspirations of the employee. This is the essence of perfection through development—a workforce that is not only competent and capable but also engaged and fulfilled.

In this context, AI-enabled learning can take employee development to new heights by offering hyper-personalized training experiences. Imagine an environment where AI anticipates learning needs based on individual performance data, suggests the right resources at the right time, and provides targeted recommendations to close skill gaps before they become an issue. This level of precision and agility in learning will not only eliminate frustration but also create a culture of continuous growth and improvement.

A Critical Time for L&D: Seizing the Moment with AI

This is a critical time period to make serious changes in how learning impacts productivity. The potential of AI to deliver on-demand performance support and enhance learning outcomes cannot be understated. On the back side of these changes, learning and training will be key cogs in the wheel of progress for your business, driving innovation, efficiency, and strategic growth.

The speed of change in business is accelerating, and that creates a need to fast-track transformation in training and learning for employees. The concept of “learning in the flow of work” is more important than ever, but it is evolving rapidly due to AI-enabled tools like Microsoft Copilot, ChatGPT, Slack, and Microsoft Teams. Search itself is changing—no longer will employees instinctively turn to Google for answers. Instead, AI-driven tools will shape how information is found, shared, and applied.

Organizations must act now to redefine how employees access and use corporate knowledge. It’s imperative to ensure that your own corporate information, rather than the broader internet, is the primary source of learning support for your workforce. Otherwise, employees might learn from external sources that may not align with your organizational values or standards, altering the culture and competitiveness of your business and learning operations. This is a unique opportunity for L&D leaders to establish AI as the backbone of learning and performance support, thereby driving business success.

The Path Forward: Building the Case for AI in Learning

To build the case for AI, L&D leaders must focus on tangible outcomes that resonate with business leaders—improvements in speed to competency, enhanced productivity, and measurable reductions in employee frustration. Start by identifying high-impact areas where AI can provide quick wins, such as automating routine inquiries through AI chatbots or using predictive analytics to recommend learning paths based on performance patterns.

As you experiment, document the impact and refine your approach, ensuring that your AI initiatives are aligned with broader business goals. Remember, the goal is not just to introduce new technology but to demonstrate how AI can elevate learning and performance support to drive real business results. Organizations that seize this opportunity will find themselves at the forefront of a learning revolution, using AI to build a workforce that is adaptable, resilient, and ready to thrive in the face of rapid change.

Conclusion: Moving from Frustration to Fulfillment by Supporting Your Employees through Learning

Learning and performance support are not just tools for improving productivity; they are essential for fostering a positive and supportive work environment where employees can thrive. By eliminating frustration through continuous development and AI-driven learning solutions, organizations can enhance job satisfaction, reduce turnover, and ultimately drive long-term success.

For L&D teams, the next 18 to 24 months represent a pivotal moment. Get ahead of the curve, invest in AI, and showcase its value, or risk being left in the dark as performance support shifts to other parts of the organization. This is the time to rethink learning design, embrace AI experimentation, and prove the strategic value of learning as a driver of business success in the AI era.

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